My DSA Journey

I started learning DSA in Sep, 2022 and till now I have covered
the following topics :
- Array
- String
- Linked list
- Linear search
- Binary search
- Two pointers,
- Sliding window
- Multidimensional arrays
- Recursion & backtracking
- Sorting algorithms
- Hash maps
- And some basic algorithms like Kadane's Algorithm, DNF, prefix & suffix sum.

I'm learning DSA in c++ and I think the best way to learn DSA is by doing 9-10 questions on leetcode or any other site after learning one topic. By doing this your problem-solving skills will also increase and it will be easy to remember those topics and their tricks for solving different problems.

I learned all these topics for free from youtube and I also do problems on leetcode almost every day so that I can be very good in every topic I learn.

If you have any questions regarding DSA or these topics that I have mentioned you can ask me in the comment section.
Thank you.