Getting Started with Django: Building Web Applications

Getting Started with Django: Building Web Applications

Django is a powerful and popular Python web framework that allows you to quickly build web applications. In just 10-12 days of learning, I have gained an understanding of Django's key concepts, including function-based and class-based views. These views enable me to create dynamic web pages that can interact with a database and respond to user input.

In my journey of learning Django, I have already created two projects: a to-do app and a user sign-in and login form. The to-do app likely involved creating a model for the tasks, setting up views to render the tasks and handling user input. The user sign-in and login form involve creating views to handle user authentication.

It is impressive that I have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. I have taken advantage of online resources such as CodeWithHarry, Danis Ivy, and My Academy YouTube channels to accelerate my learning. These resources are excellent starting points, but it is also important to continue learning and expanding my knowledge of Django.

Overall, my progress in learning Django is a testament to the power and accessibility of this web framework. With dedication and effort, I can continue to build more complex and robust web applications.